MediaRadar’s 12 Ads of Christmas: 2 All of the Above’s

We made it to the penultimate post in our blog series! It’s been a rollercoaster of ads so far, featuring cars, banks, mattresses, shoes, razors, toys, jewelry, drinks, glasses, and dating sites. Today, we’re sending you Two All-of-the-Above’s - those online or brick-and-mortar superstores that sell everything from toys, household appliances, clothes, electrical goods, food, and more all in one place. By making shopping for the holidays a whole lot easier and more efficient, superstores like these give you more quality time to spend with your family and friends. On that note, we bring you two companies that not only have it all, but even have some great ads too. Here are our two favorite All-of-the-Above’s ads from this year:


MediaRadar’s 12 Ads of Christmas: 3 Sites Romancing

We've reached the final quarter of our 12 Ads of Christmas series! Only three different industries remain. In the original version of the jingle, "The Twelve Days of Christmas," the lyric would be Three French Hens. In this post, however, MediaRadar is sending you "3 Sites Romancing." The holiday season is the perfect opportunity to spend time with loved ones - from your relatives to your friends to those people that seem like more than just a friend. Sometimes, the best gifts are not put in a box and strung with a bow. Sometimes, the ones we want the most are intangible like companionship and true love. This holiday, your new or everlasting love could be just one right swipe away. Here are our favorite nine dating apps and website ads:


MediaRadar’s 12 Ads of Christmas: 4 Visions Blurred

We've seen quite the spectacle of innovation and creativity during our 12 Ads of Christmas series from an array of industries - car, banking, mattress, shoe, razor, toy, and jewelry. In the original song, the fourth day would be Four Calling Birds. We’re eying something else, however. We're sending you Four Visions Blurred! It's clear that the holiday season is made for the eyes with twinkly Christmas lights, trees laden with ornaments, and so much more. Plus, even Santa himself wears a nice pair of wireframe glasses ... I mean, how else is he going to read his list twice and move his reindeer in the right direction? Here are MediaRadar’s four favorite eyewear ads from this year:


MediaRadar’s 12 Ads of Christmas: 5 Drunk Friends

Our 12 Ads of Christmas tune of content continues, now with more days, gifts, and ads behind us than ahead of us! In the original “12 Days of Christmas,” the fifth day would have been Five Gold Rings. But, we already talked about diamond jewelry in our last post. Now, we want to get the holiday party started early by sending you Five Drunk Friends … Family reunions, exciting gifts, good food, and of course, great drinks are what makes the holidays fun! Regardless of your drink of choice, the most enjoyable holiday cocktails are had while spending time with family and friends. Today, we’re spending time with friends like Jose, Jameson, Bailey, and the head of the ship, Captain Morgan, to bring you the best in liquor advertising. Here are MediaRadar’s five favorite liquor ads from this year:


MediaRadar’s 12 Ads of Christmas: 6 Diamond Jewels

We've officially begun the second half of our 12 Ads of Christmas blog series! MediaRadar has sent you 12 Engines Humming, 11 Cards a-Swiping, 10 Sleepers Sleeping, 9 Shoes a-Sneaking, 8 Hairs a-Trimming, and 7 Kids a-Playing so far. Now, we're bringing you six diamond jewels. Here are our six favorite jewelry ads from this year:


MediaRadar’s 12 Ads of Christmas: 7 Kids a-Playing (#7 is Our Favorite!)

We’ve almost reached the halfway point in our 12 Ads of Christmas series! In our previous posts, we highlighted ads for cars, credit cards, mattresses, shoes, and razors. In the original song, the subsequent verse would be "Seven Swans a-Swimming." But, in our rendition, the line refers to toy ads and is properly titled "7 Kids a-Playing." Here are the seven ads that are as fun as the toys they’re selling:


MediaRadar’s 12 Ads of Christmas: 8 Hairs a-Trimming

So far, we've sent you 12 Engines Humming, 11 Cards a-Swiping, 10 Sleepers Sleeping, and 9 Shoes a-Sneaking for our 12 Ads of Christmas series. And, now, we're going to send you 8 Hairs a-Trimming. While the original tune speaks of "Eight Maids a-Milking," MediaRadar's version prefers smooth shaving advertisements. While Santa Claus may not be a fan of a clean shave (we've all seen his long, white beard!), most find beauty in smooth skin. That's why so many razors and yearly subscription services are gifted during the holiday season. With that, it’s time to grab the shaving cream and your tool of choice. Here are MediaRadar’s eight favorite shaving ads from this the year:


MediaRadar’s 12 Ads of Christmas: 9 Shoes a-Sneaking

In our series of 12 Ads of Christmas so far, we've sent you 12 Engines Humming, 11 Cards a-Swiping, and 10 Sleepers Sleeping. While the popular tune, 12 Days of Christmas, references "Nine Ladies Dancing," our post will replace them with 9 Shoes a-Sneaking. Everyone wants to start the new year off fresh and what better way to do so than with a new pair of shoes? Ready, set, go ... check out the highlight reel from this year's best shoe and shoe-brand ads on television!


MediaRadar’s 12 Ads of Christmas: 10 Sleepers Sleeping

Don't doze off just yet - the third post in our 12 Ads of Christmas series is finally here! Now, on the tenth day of Christmas, MediaRadar sent (to me) ... not Ten Lords a-Leaping, but 10 Sleepers Sleeping. Let's take a look at this year's best mattress advertisements:
