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20 Companies That Are as Great as Google

20CompaniesAsGreatAsGoogle.jpgThe Muse – Google. It has developed a massive reputation. So massive, in fact, that it’s known all over as a noun, a verb, and a pretty awesome employer.

But, let’s be real. Not all of us can or even want to work for the tech giant. However, that doesn’t mean that we’re not eager to find a company that offers that same sweet culture, innovative team, and brag-worthy perks.

We’ll save you the trouble of feverishly Googling to find a place that offers just that (see what we did there?). We’ve pulled together 20 companies that are just as cool—and that are all hiring right now.Muse.png

MediaRadar is a SaaS company—providing real-time advertising insights and customizable tracking software for over 1.9 million brands across 1,500 publishers.

If you’ve been seeking a company that has a totally approachable leadership style, a job with MediaRadar is right up your alley. In the office, there aren’t any closed rooms, so everyone is available to talk to, collaborate with, and ask questions. MediaRadar’s CEO, Todd Krizelman, even sits right next to his employees—regardless of seniority and title.

To see the full list: click here