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Snapchat Ad Intelligence Snapshot 2018

Snapchat Ad Intelligence Snapshot 2018

In 2018, over 1,400 companies ran advertising on Snapchat. Most of them ran one-off campaigns during only one quarter of the year. However, 17% of the advertisers were on the platform for over half of the year. Here is a pie chart, detailing how often brands created Snap ads last year.

How Frequently Did Brands Advertise on Snapchat in 2018? pie chart
A pie chart, displaying how frequently (in percentages) brands advertised on Snapchat in 2018.

“Despite some negative headlines, Snapchat saw strong interest from advertisers throughout the year,” said Todd Krizelman, CEO and Co-Founder of MediaRadar.

The third quarter (Q3) was when MediaRadar saw the highest number of advertisers running ads on the platform.

The top five advertisers on Snapchat in 2018, divided by spend, were:

1. Comcast

2. Mars

3. AT&T

4. Adidas

5. P&G

“Brands in media and entertainment, technology and retail drove most of their ad revenue,” added Krizelman.

The top three product categories advertising on Snapchat, also categorized by revenue, were:

1. Media and Entertainment (~30%)

2. Technology (~13%)

3. Retail (~10%)

Collectively, these three product categories accounted for approximately half of ad spend on Snapchat in 2018, as shown by the second chart below.

New Chart - Where Does Snapchat Ad Revenue Come From?
Another pie chart, showing where Snapchat ad revenue comes from.

5% of all companies that advertised on Snapchat in 2018 ran a sponsored lens. The product category that was most likely to run one of these sponsored lenses ended up being food.


“Snapchat’s user numbers stabilized, which contributed to better-than-expected revenue on the quarter,” said Todd Krizelman, CEO and Co-Founder of MediaRadar. “The good news is likely to drive even more interest from advertisers.”