MediaRadar Blog

MediaRadar Agency Roundup: August 2018

Amazon Boosts Holiday TV Spending By 76%


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B&C – Online giant Amazon boosted its TV spending during the Christmas shopping season more than any of the other top eight retailers included in a new study by ad tracker MediaRadar. Half of the big retailers reduced their TV spending as holidays approached, while increasing the digital efforts.

Amazon increased TV spending by 76% in October and November. It also boosted its digital spending by 224%, while cutting print 10%.

Target’s TV spending rose 54%. Its digital spending rose 161% and print edged up 4%.

J.C. Penney boosted its TV spending by 49%. Penney reduced digital spending by 7% and gave print a 17% haircut.

Macy’s increased its TV spending by 20% and its digital spending by 43%. It hacked its print spending by 24%.

Sears slashed its TV spending by 53%. It also cut online spending by 72% and print by 5%.

Nordstrom also lowered its spending in all three monitored media, cutting TV by 45%, digital by 28% and print by 23%.

Walmart’s TV’s spending dropped 10%. The company increased its digital advertising by 170%. Print was down 15%.

Kohl’s appeared to shift money from TV and digital to print. TV was down 7% and digital was slashed 58%, but print spending jumped 59%.

“Most retailers are reducing print spend while focusing on other channels, like linear TV and digital,” said Todd Krizelman, CEO & cofounder of MediaRadar. “Online ad spend, however, saw some of the biggest increases percentage-wise. This is driven by shifting consumption and shopping patterns among holiday consumers.”