See Which Brands Have the Budget to Invest in New Media Formats
Use this ad sales enablement platform to prioritize your accounts and get accurate contact information. Know which brands are spending, where they are placing across media, and if they are likely to be an early adopter of emerging advertising formats.

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MediaRadar's features

Instantly uncover brands that are likely to purchase ads in VR (Virtual Reality), podcasts and more. Knowing which of your prospects are more likely to close shows you where to focus your time.

Instantly see the most recent creative. MediaRadar will show you the ad, when and where it ran on the page, as well as what editorial content surrounds it. Understanding any advertiser’s brand messaging has never been so easy.

Easily see how your prospects are allocating their advertising budgets and which product lines are targeted to your demographic. Quickly see if they are allocating more to TV, digital, mobile, and print or if they are investing in new ad sources like Snapchat and YouTube.

Stop searching for the right contact. Quickly find contact information for your prospects’ decision makers. MediaRadar’s contact database is refreshed every 90 days, so you can be sure you’re getting to the right buyer quickly. If needed, our on-demand Concierge service can help you find a specific person.

Don’t guess about who’s running ads in your region. MediaRadar will show you which brands run in your geographic area. Get insights to help you show the advantage of placing ads in your location vs. other similar sized locations.

Get advertising spend broken down to the specific product. You can even view product line spend across high-CPM units like custom content, YouTube, and social platforms like Snapchat.

MediaRadar is the proud recipient of the Stevie Award for exceptional customer service for the last 5 years. Our highly trained Account Management team understands the challenges that new media faces and will provide strategic advice needed to capitalize on early adopters.

Uncover hidden brands you hadn’t thought to look for. See who’s running direct sponsored posts & custom content, including Snapchat Sponsored lenses and video. View up-to-date brand sponsorship contacts you need to win business.

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