Who Were The Top Programmatic Advertisers in 2020?

Ad tech is surging. Who were the top spending programmatic advertisers in 2020?


Which Brands are Investing in Programmatic OTT?

Programmatic OTT is expected to be a premium format favored by companies in 2021. Which brands are already testing and learning?


What To Expect From Programmatic In 2021

With its flexibility and data-driven nature, programmatic became increasingly popular last year. But will this still hold true in 2021? The experts weigh in.


12 Days ‘til New Years: 4 Brands Buying OTT Programmatically

In the spirit of celebrating the perseveranc of advertisers in 2020, we're highlighting four brands buying OTT ad space programmatically.


12 Ads ‘til New Year: 10 Biggest Programmatic Advertisers

As our countdown to New Years continues, we’d like to highlight the ten brands who spent the most on programmatic advertising.


The State of Programmatic Native

As we draw closer to the end of the year, we wondered how programmatic native has fared so far in 2020. Here are our findings.


Political Programmatic Influences the Tense Election

Programmatic advertising played a key part in targeting voters during the presidential race. How much did political campaigns spend?


How is Programmatic Performing on YouTube?

In July, YouTube made changes to its monetization policies. How is programmatic faring with the pandemic and new advertising options?


How Programmatic Native Has Performed So Far in 2020

Brands went back to the drawing board to rearrange budgets and campaigns earlier this year. How did this impact programmatic native?
