2019 Prediction: Big Year for Audio
For many years, we would hear "This is the year of mobile." From the first half (1H) of 2017 to the first half of 2018, mobile advertising did increase 42%, noted an IAB Internet Ad Revenue report conducted by PWC. By 2021, mobile video is expected to reach approximately $16.2 billion. Snapchat, the messaging and social media app, recognized the potential of this medium and capitalized on the expanding market. But, that doesn't seem to be what advertisers are focused on today. According to them, this is "the year of audio." Find out why now!
ReadCover Wraps: A Better Way for Print Publications to Advertise
Cover wraps may be a great opportunity for all types of print publishers to increase sales. In fact, many already have all the necessary tools, such as a creative editorial team to write powerful, targeted messages. All they need to do now is to get started.
ReadStranger Things, Stranger Advertising
Now that you've had time to digest Season 2 of Stranger Things, we prepare to journey back to the quaint hamlet of Hawkins, and highlight some of the more unique and amazing ways that Season 2 was advertised.
These marketing efforts come courtesy of Doner LA - an agency showing that it's ok to think outside the box.
Doner LA's outside the box ideas found us on the sidewalks, in the subway, and in our favorite apps. Regardless of where they were, however, the one thing these ads all have in common is how creatively unique they are.
Watching Season 2 of Stranger Things was a no-brainer after seeing these 4 ads: