Peloton Advertising Hit a (Major) Bump in the Road

After a quick rise to the top during the pandemic, Peloton has hit bumpy roads with their plummeting ad spend now reaching zero.


Advertising During a Recession—Which Companies Are Spending?

With an impending recession, not all advertisers are decreasing; food, non-alcoholic beverages, and travel are a few examples of advertisers increasing spend.


Back to Office Trends Halts Spending in Key Areas

As companies call employees back to the office, some advertisers—such as breakfast foods, alcohol, and home office supplies—decrease spend.


Facebook & Instagram Overlap: How Are Advertisers Spending on the Social Media Giants?

This year, 64k companies have spent a collective $14.2b+ on Facebook and Instagram advertising. Here, we break down where those dollars go.


How to Woo Social Media Advertisers

Advertisers have already spent almost $12b on social media in 2022. To get their attention, it's important to treat social as direct competition, know the media mix, and use the right tools.


Firearms & Accessories Advertising On the Rise in the US

Firearms and Accessories advertising is on the rise in the U.S. in a significant way; over $67M, 21% up from 2021.


3 Interesting Facts About the State of Twitter Advertising

Despite playing second (or third, or fourth) fiddle to other social advertising powerhouses, and a few odd headlines (yes, we’re talking about Elon), Twitter’s doing what it can to hang onto its share of advertising budgets. Here are three interesting facts about the state of Twitter advertising and what they mean for the future of the social media pioneer.


4 Trends That Sum Up the State of Retail Media Ad Spending

Retail media is expected to hit $101b in 2022. Here are four trends advertisers need to be aware of as they ride the retail train to the top.


The State of B2B Media in 2022 & What it Means for 2023

A fading pandemic and impending recession—where does this leave B2B Media advertisers? Here's what the data says, and what it means for 2023.
