3 Key Takeaways from Folio:Show

This year’s Folio: Show in NYC delivered a wealth of actionable ideas for ad sales professionals. The sales track highlighted industry topics focused on strategizing in this changing advertising landscape.


Top 3 Mobile Advertisers

Today’s consumers are always digitally connected, even when “on the go,” so it’s no surprise that advertisers are becoming more interested in mobile ad formats.


Four Horseman and Five Years Running

At the recent Programmatic TV Summit, Lance Neuhauser CEO of 4C, referred to Amazon, Apple, Netflix and other such companies as the horseman of the TV apocalypse. The growth of OTT streaming services is made readily apparent when looking at the success of original shows. The mere fact that House of Cards and Orange is the New Black are entering their 5th seasons, shows the incredible growth of original content. Releasing House of Cards around the same time as Kevin Spacey hosting the Tony awards, was an extremely shrewd marketing strategy. Amazon and Hulu ran a combined 181 unique video ads, another example of how strong their marketing is, both in terms of content and funding. Take a look below to see how the rest of OTT field marketed their product over the last few weeks.


Where are B2B advertisers allocating their ad buys?

Knowledge is key to enhancing your ad sales, the more you know about your prospect’s purchasing patterns, the more powerful your pitch. Are your prospects purchasing print, digital or cross-platform packages? Learn how the B2B ad sales industry trending.
