Advertising Mergers and Acquisitions: November Recap

How do mergers and acquisitions affect your sales? Here at MediaRadar, we know it can be difficult to stay on top of all the industry news, and we're here to help.

Each, month, MediaRadar will provide you with the highest profile mergers and acquisitions that occur in the publisher and brand space. We'll also throw in a few announcements and rumors so that you can stay on top of what's happening next.


Ad Integration in Sports: 2017 World Series

This is the first in a forthcoming series of posts in which we'll discuss ad integration across many different sports, including the NFL, NBA, NHL, and more. 

The Rise of OTT

Rising competition from OTT advertisers is leaving a lot to consider for networks telecasting live professional sporting events.

The rise in OTT programming is due to the way people now consume television.

The fact is not that people are no longer watching network programming, it’s that they are watching in more places than ever before.

For advertisers and ad sales reps, that means it’s becoming more and more difficult to know how to effectively reach viewers during sporting event broadcasts.


Native Advertising Deceleration and How to Sell Against It

Native is finally beginning to decelerate.

For years now, there have been rumblings about whether the continued rapid growth of native advertising was sustainable.

For the first time, MediaRadar data shows that the number of advertisers buying native has plateaued over the last 12 months:


Advertisers Demand B2B

B2B Sites are a Safe Haven for Brands

What do digital advertisers prioritize when deciding where to buy placements?

While return on investment has always been the main priority for advertisers, it has faced stiff competition from transparency, safety and efficacy in recent months.

This can be attributed to the brand safety scare which sent shockwaves through the digital ad landscape in late March, early April.


Transparency & Trust: A Discussion about Brand Safety


YouTube’s advertising scandal from earlier this year shined a much needed spotlight on the lingering issues of brand safety and transparency in the advertising industry, sparking the conversation.

MediaRadar’s latest event was a panel aimed at keeping the conversation around brand safety moving forward.


Smart(phones) Mean Vertical

It’s time to go vertical.

Advertisers are always looking for the most efficient ways to reach their audience. This means studying media consumption patterns.


Stranger Things, Stranger Advertising

Now that you've had time to digest Season 2 of Stranger Things, we prepare to journey back to the quaint hamlet of Hawkins, and highlight some of the more unique and amazing ways that Season 2 was advertised.

These marketing efforts come courtesy of Doner LA - an agency showing that it's ok to think outside the box.

Doner LA's outside the box ideas found us on the sidewalks, in the subway, and in our favorite apps. Regardless of where they were, however, the one thing these ads all have in common is how creatively unique they are.

Watching Season 2 of Stranger Things was a no-brainer after seeing these 4 ads:


Who Can You Trust: Buy-side success in the wake of brand safety

When The Times published their investigative findings on brands appearing next to extremist, racist, religious, and/or politically inflammatory content on Youtube, it sent shockwaves through the digital ad landscape.

For a long time, programmatic advertising has been the wizard behind the curtain, ensuring ads were placed in the Land of Oz (the internet).

Transparency was low, and metrics murky, but for many advertisers, eyeballs were eyeballs - as long as they were reached, the job was done.

The ad crisis changed things dramatically.



How Vertical Video is Changing the Mobile Landscape

Mobile web traffic has finally surpassed desktop, with BrightEdge reporting that 57% of all search traffic now comes from smartphones and tablets. The ad landscape is adapting in accordance. In a report on consumer trends, MediaRadar found an 8% increase in the number of mobile advertisers in Q1 YOY (16-17).
