The Online Video Gold Rush

The gold rush of online video advertising has ensued in full force—the buzz, energy and frenzy have pushed online video mainstream. Now most major digital publishers and broadcasters offer online video ad formats.


The $80 Billion Sales Opportunity

In October 2006 Google acquired YouTube.  Only one year later the firm wrote off the investment, signaling it was a mistake.  But this initial difficulty was a false warning. Fast forward 10 years, and investors believe YouTube alone generates $4.9B in video ad revenue.  This is encouraging news for every other media company and publisher. Why? Because there is no question that an outsider can come in with compelling content, and sell video advertising.  They can completely change the game. 


Cross-Platform Trends: a changing landscape

After analyzing some of the largest national consumer magazines and their digital properties, we found some interesting trends we’d like to share with you. From desktop domination to mobile maturity, emergence of online video and where print stands – the advertising landscape continues to change. See how marketers are focusing their ad buys and remember to sell across platform. You may find some of the ideas listed below as new opportunities for your business.


Programmatic native: Tragedy of the commons?

An emerging new trend in native advertising combines the value of native with the easy placement of programmatic. But who is this favorable for?


How Do You Turn Your Problems Into Products That Companies Want To Buy?

I was recently a featured guest on the Mixergy podcast. During my conversation with Andrew Warner we had a chance to discuss a wide range of topics, including the challenges I experienced while working in ad sales and how those challenges inspired us to start MediaRadar.


Marketers in Many Verticals Are Choosing Native

With comedian John Oliver’s tasteful takedown of native advertising still ringing in the ears of many digital advertisers and publishers, many have been wondering how common native advertising is today. Our recent native advertising research shows that native advertising is being embraced by digital publishers and advertisers across numerous publishing and advertising verticals – not just viral news sites and large consumer brands.
