Native advertising: Is there still room to grow?

Digital Content Next - MediaRadar CEO, Todd Krizelman, quotes MediaRadar’s In-Depth Look Into the Current State of Native Advertising report, outlining the product categories leveraging native advertising to reach their target audiences, major challenges with and benefits of native advertising, ways to successfully implement the format, and the future of it as a whole.


Who should take advantage of IGTV first?

The Drum - MediaRadar CEO, Todd Krizelman, discusses the advantages of IGTV - brand safety, performance, and growth - but also urges brands to "remain vigilant during this time, and not act on impulse once IGTV decides to monetize. ... IGTV will have to prove it has learned from the woes of its competitor, before it can truly outshine YouTube."


Get Ahead: The Future of Social Media Marketing

Business News Daily - quotes MediaRadar CEO, Todd Krizelman, who forecasts that, although IGTV peaked as the top 25th U.S. iPhone app immediately after launch and then fell off dramatically, expectations that IGTV will ultimately carry advertising in 2019 will continue.


Native’s Three Key Problems: Scale, Engagement, Retention

MarTech Series - quotes MediaRadar’s Native Trend Report from last year, which showed that, while an average of 610 new advertisers invested in native each month, only 33% who purchased native across all media sites ended up renewing.


Native Renewal Rates Up An Average 40% In 2018

MediaPost - quotes MediaRadar’s In-Depth Look Into the Current State of Native Advertising report and CEO, Todd Krizelman, outlining the product categories leveraging native advertising to reach their target audiences, major challenges with and benefits of native advertising, ways to successfully implement the format, and the future of it as a whole.


Apple seems to be ramping up its iPhone TV ads spending this year

MediaPost - cites a MediaRadar study, which shows that Apple has raised its spending on iPhone advertising by a factor of 5 in the face of a slowing smartphone market.


Glamour was selling millions of magazines, but still couldn’t make the business work. And it shows the dire state of advertising.

Business Insider - MediaRadar found that fashion advertisers spent 16% less in print than they had a year ago, while their digital spending grew 60%. There's new competition for these ad dollars. Snap won 150 fashion advertisers so far this year, almost all of them new over 2017, by MediaRadar's count.


Netflix and Amazon spark animation revival, spending heavily in quest for binge-worthy shows

Los Angeles Times - MediaRadar stats were used to prove that Netflix also outspent its rivals in marketing dollars for animated shows last summer, spending more than $2 million primarily promoting its animated series “Disenchantment."


Video Briefing: Amazon turns up the heat on subscription video programmers

Digiday - cites MediaRadar stats from the summer's top OTT advertisers data.


Media Needs to Establish Clear Boundaries Between Editorial and Sponsored Content

AdWeek - cites MediaRadar's survey from last year that discusses FTC’s native advertising rules.
