NFL blitz: the many players disrupting football advertising in 2018

MarketingDive - cited the results of MediaRadar's survey, which covers NFL's ad spend, viewership, and other advertising trends between September 6th, 2018 and September 10th, 2018.


Netflix Pushing More Shows Than Amazon, Hulu, Facebook Watch, HBO, And YouTube Premium Combined

Forbes - MediaRadar data and quotes were used for a story that discusses how Netflix leads streaming companies in spending on print, digital, and linear TV to promote its original content and services.


Netflix led the streaming industry’s $55 million spending on summer ads

Post Bulletin - MediaRadar data and quotes were used for a story that discusses how streaming companies like Netflix and Facebook Watch are spending over $55mm on print, digital, and linear TV to promote their original content and services.


Netflix led the streaming industry’s $55-million spending on ads in the summer

Los Angeles Times - MediaRadar data and quotes were used for an exclusive story that discusses how streaming companies like Netflix and Facebook Watch are spending over $55mm on print, digital, and linear TV to promote their original content and services.


Report: Amazon ads remain on Bloomberg, despite company pulling its spend on the site

MarketingDive - Eric Sweeney published a report on Amazon shifting how it's advertising with Bloomberg, which included quotes from MediaRadar.


Marketers React With Anger to the Facebook Video Ad Lawsuit - Troy Dreier published a piece on Facebook's video ad lawsuit, including quotes from MediaRadar CEO, Todd Krizelman.


MediaRadar Beefs Up Its Snapchat Ad Tracking Capabilities

MSN Entertainment - MediaRadar is announced as the only ad sales intelligence company to-date that now tracks Snapchat's ad revenue, the number of publishers using their lenses and Discover channel videos, and which brands are investing the most in advertising on the platform.


MediaRadar Beefs Up Its Snapchat Ad Tracking Capabilities

Yahoo - MediaRadar is announced as the only ad sales intelligence company to-date that now tracks Snapchat's ad revenue, the number of publishers using their lenses and Discover channel videos, and which brands are investing the most in advertising on the platform.


Advertiser Appetite for Snapchat Discover Spikes by More Than 400 Percent (Exclusive)

The Wrap - MediaRadar is announced as the only ad sales intelligence company to-date that now tracks Snapchat's ad revenue, the number of publishers using their lenses and Discover channel videos, and which brands are investing the most in advertising on the platform.


MediaRadar Beefs Up Its Snapchat Ad Tracking Capabilities

The Wrap - MediaRadar is announced as the only ad sales intelligence company to-date that now tracks Snapchat's ad revenue, the number of publishers using their lenses and Discover channel videos, and which brands are investing the most in advertising on the platform.
